I think Drake said it best in his lyrics for Show Me a Good Time.....
never would I let a woman come between
what we doing right now
this our dream
Bluntly put, soon or later a man will let you know where there priorities lie. If he was a club head when he met you, chances are he'll continue to be. If he likes to date different women, chances are he's not gonna stop just because he's with you. If he's a workaholic, he probably won't have time for a relationship. And really, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean if anything this should let you know where you fit into the equation early on. Whether you choose to ride it out will be totally up to you.
But here's the problem. While he's already showed you where his priorities lie. Why are you going out of your way to make him the center of your world. We are all guilty of it. We wait for his call and text messages. We cut off making plans with friends in hopes he may drop by or take you out. You cook and clean and do all the little things that he likes. You make it a point to memorize his favorite lyrics to a song or his favorite foods. We get totally wrapped up that we soon forget what our own priorities are and everything in our lives soon revolves around him. We want to do whatever it takes to make him happy.
But while you're doing that, ask yourself whens the last time he actually went out his way for you? Like really? Does he know what your dreams and aspirations are. Does he know what your favorite color is? Is he going out his way just to see how you are doing? I mean sure, all men are on their best behavior when you first meet him. But they can't keep that up forever. Pretty soon he's gonna show you just how important you really are to him. If a man truly wants you, no matter what is going on in his life, he will make sure you know how much you mean to him. He will make the time to get to know you. And even if he showing a lot of interest and looks like a good relationship candidate, that doesn't mean you just need to stop everything you were doing to appease him. More likely than not, they'll appreciate that you have a life of your own. Most men will tell you when a woman gets too clingy they usually back away. A man can't be everything you need. You got to have a healthy balance of family and friends somewhere in that mix.
Don't put your life on hold for something that may not even be worth your time. I understand that there has to be some effort put into getting to know someone. But at the same time men have the uncanny ability to let you know how important you are. And when he shows you, you need to take it for it is. And while doing those nice things for him will probably be greatly appreciated, if he isn't ready to give you what you seek then why waste your time. There are plenty of men out here looking for that one that they can make their priority. But as long as you waste your time trying to make someone conform to what you want. He may just pass you by.
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